EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2017)
Constraining the rp-process by measuring 23Al(d,n)24Si with GRETINA and LENDA at NSCL
The 23Al(p, γ)24Si stellar reaction rate has a significant impact on the light-curve emitted in X-ray bursts. Theoretical calculations show that the reaction rate is mainly determined by the properties of direct capture as well as low-lying 2+ states and a possible 4+ state in 24Si. Currently, there is little experimental information on the properties of these states. In this proceeding we will present a new experimental study to investigate this reaction, using the surrogate reaction 23Al(d,n) at 47 AMeV at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL). We will discuss our new experimental setup which allows us to use full kinematics employing the Gamma-Ray Energy Tracking In-beam Nuclear Array (GRETINA) to detect the γ-rays following the de-excitation of excited states of the reaction products and the Low Energy Neutron Detector Array (LENDA) to detect the recoiling neutrons. The S800 was used for identification of the 24Si recoils. As a proof of principle to show the feasibility of this concept the Q-value spectrum of 22Mg(d,n)23Al is reconstructed.