Tic & Société ()

Media, technologies de l’intellect, code numérique. De quelques implications du medium sur le social chez Innis, Goody et Herrenschmidt

  • Oumar KANE

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17
pp. 1 – 27


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This article establishes a dialogue between the work of Jack Goody and that of Harold Innis and Clarisse Herrenschmidt. First, the concepts of modes of communication and technologies of the intellect elaborated by Goody are contrasted with the development of media by Innis. The two authors’ approaches to knowledge and power are analyzed through the emphasis placed on written culture by Goody and on monopolies of knowledge by Innis. The paper reviews convergences and differences with regard to both the production of the social and cognitive processes. Goody's contribution is then analyzed in relation to the more recent work of Herrenschmidt who, by pluralizing and historicizing writing, highlights the question of the code that is central to computer writing. This three-way dialogue through the mediating figure of Goody sheds original light on relationships between media and society.
