مجلة التربية والعلم (Dec 2010)
Effect of chemical treatment of silicon surface on solar cell ZnO/p-Si
Abstract In this work solar cells of (ZnO/p-Si) prepared by depositing ZnO thin films by electrochemical deposition method (using aqueous solution of ZnCl2 & KCl) on silicon(111) wafer samples. The samples then annealed at (550°C, 1h), to study the effects of annealing and chemical etching by (HCl, HF), optical microscope, SEM-EDAX, X-Ray used as analysis techniques. The optical properties of prepared ZnO on glass substrate also studied. An optical band gab of (3.15eV) calculated. The transmittance of 80% found for the sample before annealing where it became 85% after annealing. Solar cells conversion efficiency of 2.4% were obtained for the cells etched with HCl, where it was 4.337% for HF etching. Where for solar cells samples prepared under texture treatment gave an increase in the efficiency to the 4.7%.