Revista Brasileira de Educação (Jan 2003)

O percurso teórico e empírico do GT Trabalho e Educação: uma análise para debate

  • Eunice Trein,
  • Maria Ciavatta

Journal volume & issue
no. 24
pp. 140 – 164


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Work elaborated with the objective to give continuation to the periodic inventory, in the form of “state of knowledge”, of the scientific production of the GT, from the works selected and argued for the Group in the Annual Meetings of the ANPEd, of 1996 the 2001, retrieving the guideline of thematic presented in similar inventories, carried through of 1987 the 2000. From the theoretical and metodological point of view, the GT is oriented by the historical materialism, it also contemplates the discussion of other theoretical lines and has as commitment the transformation of the exploration forms and degradation of the human being. From the contents point of view, the most recurrent subjects are the following ones: work and education - theory and history; work and basic education; professionalization and work; education of the worker in the context of the social relations of production; and work and education in the social movements.