Avances en Supervisión Educativa (Jun 2014)
Performing properly what we compete: teacher assessment. A brief initial approach from the inspection of education
The highest levels of success of an educational system depends largely on the quality of teachers , an element on which the policy makers have the capacity to exercise influence through teacher evaluation . The involvement of educational inspection in teacher evaluation has been defined in the last educational laws enacted in our country since 1970. The current regulatory framework defines assessment as a valuable tool for monitoring and evaluation of the results and process improvement , (so it is essential to establish procedures), sets the general characteristics of this assessment and the involvement of the inspection of education. We propose three previous reflections to develope a teacher´s assesment system: - The purpose of teacher evaluation affects their characteristics and typology. - What constitutes good teaching practice , ie , what is the standard that will establish ? What aspects assess? - The different types of procedures and instruments that can provide valuable and meaningful information to carry out the assessment.