Jurnal Teknik Sipil (Apr 2017)

Efektivitas Serat Jerami Padi sebagai Lapisan Penutup Permukaan Tanah dalam Kendali Erosi Lereng

  • Abdul Rivai Suleman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 1


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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas serat jerami padi sebagai lapisan penutup permukaan tanah dalam kendali erosi lereng. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 3 variasi intensitas hujan 50 mm/jam, 100 mm/jam, 120 mm/jam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan efektivitas serat jerami padi pada lapisan penutup dengan persentase 30% tereduksi jika dibandingkan tanpa lapisan penutup. Besarnya laju erosi persentase 30% atau berat kering 38,7 gr/m2 rata-rata sebesar 17,068%. Dengan kata lain, laju erosi tanpa lapisan penutup tereduksi ratarata sebesar 82,932%. Demikian pula efektivitas serat jerami padi dengan persentase 60% dan 90% atau berat kering145,1 gr/m2 dan 354,8 gr/m2 juga tereduksi jika dibandingkan tanpa lapisan penutup. Besarnya laju erosi pada persentase 60% rata-rata sebesar 7,216% dan persentase 90% rata-rata sebesar 4,392%. Dengan kata lain, laju erosi tanpa lapisan penutup tereduksi rata-rata sebesar 92,784% persentase 60% dan rata-rata 95,608% persentase 90%. Abstract This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of rice straw fiber as a cover of surface soil in slope erosion control. This research was conducted by three variations of rainfall intensity that is 50 mm/hour, 100 mm/hour, 120 mm/ hour. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of the rice straw fibers in the covered layer with a percentage of 30% reduced when it compared to uncovered layer. The amount of erosion rate withpercentage of 30% or with a dry weight of 38.7 g/m2p have average of 17.068%. In other words, the rate of erosion without covered layer is reduced by an average of 82.932%. Similarly, the effectiveness of the rice straw fibers with a percentage of 60% and 90% or dryweight of 145,1 gr/m2 and 354.8 g/m2 is also reduced when compared to uncovered layer. The amount of erosion rate with a percentage of 60% have an average of 7.216% and the percentage of 90% have an average of 4.392%. In other words, the erosion rate without covered layer is reduced by an average of 92.784% at percentage of 60% and an average of 95.608% at percentage of 90%.
