Jurnal Prima Edukasia (May 2015)


  • Yuni Faryanti Sukri,
  • Djamilah Bodan Widjajanti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
pp. 227 – 238


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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) terhadap motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa melalui pembelajaran tematik-integratif siswa kelas IV SDN di Kecamatan Ujung Kota Parepare. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 4 SD di kecamatan Ujung Kota Parepare yang telah menerapkan kurikulum 2013 dan untuk menentukan sampel digunakan teknik simple random sampling. Penelitian ini merupakan kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian Nonequivalent-groups Pretest-Posttest Design. Kelas eksperimen yaitu kelas IV SDN 44 Parepare (n=25) dengan pendekatan RME dan kelas kontrol yaitu Kelas IV SDN 22 Parepare (n=24) dengan pendekatan konvensional. Menggunakan tingkat signifikansi α = 5% dapat disimpulkan bahwa: pembelajaran tematik-integratif dengan pendekatan RME berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa SD dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran tematik-integratif biasa (konvensional) karena siswa berperan aktif dalam kesuksesan pembelajaran, siswa tidak menjadi pasif dan tidak hanya mendengarkan materi yang diajarkan. Kata Kunci: pendekatan RME, motivasi belajar, prestasi belajar THE EFFECTS OF RME APPROACHES ON MOTIVATION AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENTS THROUGH THEMATIC-INTEGRATIVE LEARNING Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) on motivation and academic achievement through integrative thematic learning among fourth grade students of elementary school in Ujung Parepare District. The population was 4th in the district Ujung Parepare that have implemented the 2013’ curriculum and to determine the sample used simple random sampling technique. This study was a quasi-experimental research design, with nonequivalent pretest-posttest - groups design. The experimental class was students of class IV SD Negeri 44 Parepare (n=25) and control class was students of class IV SD Negeri 22 Parepare (n=34). Using a significance level α = 5 % can be concluded that: Thematic-integrative learning approach Realistic Mathematic Education has significant effect on motivation and academic achievement in elementary school than conventional usual thematic learning-integrative because students play an active role in the success of learning, students do not become passive and are not just listening to the material being taught. Keywords: RME approach, learning motivation, learning achievement
