Journal of Intercollegiate Sport (Dec 2016)

Leader Self-Efficacy of Women Intercollegiate Athletic Administrators

  • Moe Machida-Kosuga,
  • John Schaubroeck,
  • Deborah Feltz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 2


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We tested a range of facilitating and inhibiting antecedents of leader self-efficacy on a large sample of 692 women intercollegiate athletic administrators in National Collegiate Athletic Association registered institutions. Drawing from social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1997), we examined developmental challenges, peer and supervisor feedback and support, family-work conflict, and perceived gender discrimination as antecedents of leader self-efficacy. We also examined mediating roles of leader self-efficacy in career ascendance. Structural equation modeling results show that developmental challenges were indirectly related to career ascendance, as mediated through leader self-efficacy. Developmental challenges, peer and supervisor feedback, and support were positively related to leader selfefficacy, whereas family-work conflict was negatively related to leader self-efficacy. Perceived gender discrimination was not related to leader self-efficacy. These findings identify potential levers through which intercollegiate athletic institutions may support women leaders’ career advancement.
