Cultura de los Cuidados (Jun 2012)

Temporality and suicidal behaviour

  • Juan Luis López Rodríguez,
  • Carmen Bárcena Calvo,
  • Julia González Medrano,
  • José Antonio Iglesias Guerra,
  • Víctor Abella García

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 25
pp. 111 – 115


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Objetive: To evaluate the temporality and the psicosocial profile of some suicidal behaviours that were taken care of in the Asturias Central University Hospital (HUCA). Design: Prospective study. Patients: 1633 subjects, who were assisted in the Emergency Unit due to a suicide attempt, were studied in 2003-2005. Results: The subjects who have had some kind of suicidal behaviour are usually 30-39 years old, female, single, living with their family, with primary education, unemployed, and of Spanish nationality. In regard to the temporality pattern, suicide attempts are commited in the evening, during weekdays, and in summer time.
