La Nouvelle Revue du Travail ()
Dynamiques ségrégatives
Faced with the democratic ideal of fluidity and social diversity in modern societies, the concept of segregation seems inappropriate, so much so that it refers to a past that is considered obsolete or undesirable. It might even hearken to realities we refuse to admit to. But the relative decline of the word does not erase the fact of the existence of what it refers to. On the contrary, the aim of this issue is to underline the value of looking at the dynamics of segregation through the lens of work. At a time when the issue of “separatism” and “communitarianism” haunts public debate, it is more important than ever to question the role and place of work in the differentiation inliving conditions, in the creation of segregational processes that reinforce social, professional and spatial distances… and even in the emergence of new boundaries between human communities at work. Distince from substantialist interpretations, these phenomena need to be elucidated by questioning the role of work practices, organisational transformations and employment policies in the implementation of what should be called a “differential mobilisation” of workers.