Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2024)

Duchowieństwo Kościoła gorzowskiego represjonowane w trybie karno-administracyjnym. Analiza historyczna na przykładzie Zestawienia Biura „C” MSW z lat 1945–1963. Zarys problematyki

  • Dariusz Śmierzchalski-Wachocz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31


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After World War II, the communist security apparatus blackmailed, persecuted and murdered priests who resisted the government. In every political trial against Polish citizens, some priest or other clergyman sat on the defendants’ behalf. In addition to the accusations of inciting war, accusations of moral corruption of youth and children, embezzlement, attempts to overthrow the system, espionage for foreign intelligence, etc., were also common. The resources of the Office for the Disclosure and Archiving of Documents of the branch of the Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw contain a collection of documents consisting of 37 typescript cards with the title: Statement of facts and symptoms of hostile activities performed by spiritual persons of the roman-catholic Church in the Gorzow (Gorzów) diocese in the period of 1945–1963. The title page of the collection indicates that it was produced in Office „C” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the preservation of „classified” clause. It was declassified by the decision of the Head of the Office for State Protection of October 5, 1999 and transferred to the resources of the Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw, when this institution was established, where it was given the reference number: IPN BU 0397/468, vol. At the seat of the Office for Disclosure and Archiving of Documents of the Institute of National Remembrance in Szczecin, as part of the research project carried out on June 25, 2009, copies of these documents were made and the author was in possession of these. Based on this archival collection, a historical analysis was made according to the nature of crimes related to the hostile activity of the Roman Catholic Church clergy in terms of legal and propaganda terminology from the communist period. These were the classifications of crimes: activities related to the underground, espionage, illegal possession of weapons, enemy propaganda (e.g. against patriots and political organizations, against the political principles of the People’s Republic of Poland, against the policy of the state towards the Church, and others) and against the legislation of the Polish People’s Republic (i.e. the decree on freedom of conscience and religion, the law on assemblies, the law on termination of pregnancy, secularism, financial regulations and ordinances, construction regulations, distribution without debit and others). According to the data contained therein, in general, 162 priests were hostile against the authorities, while the recorded facts of hostile actions by the clergy were recorded 215.
