Archives of Public Health (Aug 2019)

Perspectives of paddy workers regarding the use of sunscreen: a theory-based qualitative research

  • Hadiseh Panahi,
  • Leili Salehi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 77, no. 1
pp. 1 – 6


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Abstract Background Skin cancer is one of the most frequent types of cancer. This study aims to clarify farmers’ perspectives regarding the use of sunscreen according to Health Action Process Approach. Method Twenty-seven farmers were recruited an interviewed. The samples were classified according to their age, sex, and education. The data were collected through a deep and semi-structure interview during one-month period. Questions were asked based on Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) and were continued until the saturation stage. Results The data were classified into six categories (intention, risk perception, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, perceived barriers and action planning). Most of the interviewees did not use sunscreen and did not intend to use it either. They indicated some threats of sunlight, such as burn and rash, redness, itching, soreness and darkness of skin. The participants pointed to some physical outcome expectation of the sunscreen and mentioned some perceived barriers such as time limitation, low income, non-familiarity with sunscreen, the notion that sunscreen is only for women and the farmers prioritize farming and believed that sunscreen is not required in all seasons. Conclusions Risk perception, outcome expectation and perceived barriers should be considered designing appropriate interventions. The education of protection behaviors should be considering during interventional strategies.
