Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (Dec 2014)
Lo sviluppo delle abilità inferenziali di lettura nella scuola dell’infanzia con l’utilizzo della LIM: le premesse di una ricerca
The Development of Inferential Reading Skills in Kindergarten by Means of IWB: A Preliminary Research The article describes the communicative and interactive processes in groups of kindergarten children engaged in text reading/understanding tasks through the functional use of IWB. The aim is to use specific methodologies and teaching aids to assess whether and how it is possible to stimulate and facilitate inferential skills development with the learner’s active involvement. In this understanding process, the basic function is carried out by an adult who controls the interaction between peers during the reading step and the way the children are engaged to participate and act. The research project consists of meetings during which children are invited to read animated figures or static picture sequences. The experimental design envisages a control group in which a teacher introduces materials without the aid of IWB, and an experimental group in which children work on the same materials presented through IWB. Moreover, the research aims to show how the use and sharing of soundgraphic texts can enhance the children’s analytical competence and heuristic processes.