Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada (Apr 2006)

Health Education Like Strategy to the Social Control in Oral Health

  • João Luiz Gurgel Calvet da SILVEIRA,
  • Mara Lucia CAMPOS,
  • Roberto Luiz Evaristo BERNDT

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 29 – 34


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Objective: The aim of this research was to describe the knowledge and participation, on the Health Council meeting, of a community represented by parents of school children (n = 85) involved in oral health education activities, establishing the kind of service more utilized, the oral health historic, the expectations with SUS (public health system) and level of participation and social control in health. Method: Approach method was inductive, trough a questionnaire by data collect instrument, with statistical procedure (relative frequency), by extensive direct observation. Results: Verify a unfavorable oral health history (78% have lost 5 permanents teeth in median and 68% have experienced teeth pain); they are, in majority, SUS user (68%) that report don't know what is health council and never had participate in assembly (96%), however recognize their free health rights (95%) and believe on the SUS improvement possibility (93%), conditioned by a distant idea about citizenship. Conclusion: The data revealing the necessity to consider issues and oral health education practices that regard the social and political measurement of health-disease process based on the social control.
