Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (Sep 2019)
Assessment of genetic variability in lowland rice varieties of Odisha
The present study is carried out to establish the nature of relation between twelve component characters including grain yield by taking 64 low land rice varieties (including 55 landraces of Odisha). The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters studied, there by indicating the presence of abundant variability among the genotypes. Nature of relation between grain yield per plant and yield components were studied by partitioning the correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects by using simple correlation and path analysis. In the present investigation, the estimation of genotypic correlation were higher than that of phenotypic correlation, which indicated that environmental cause of correlation has affected the genetic cause. The results indicated that grain yield per plant was positively correlated with fertile grains per panicle, grain fertility %, 100-grain weight and harvest index signifying the importance of such traits for realization of high yield in rice. As simple correlation does not provide the true contribution of the characters towards the yield, these genotypic correlations were partitioned into direct and indirect effects through path coefficient analysis. From the study of path analysis it was revealed that prime emphasis should be given to harvest index followed by number of fertile grains per panicle, grain fertility percentage and 100-grain weight for realization of high and stable yields. The value of residual effect was low (0.22) indicating that major component traits contributing to yield has been included in this study.