Masker Medika (Feb 2020)


  • Trilia Trilia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 343 – 351


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Latar Belakang : Proses penuaan mengakibatkan perubahan fisik, psikologis, sosial dan kultural, terjadi penurunan elastisitas dinding oarta dan penurunan pengatur irama inheren jantung akan menyebabkan terjadinya hipertensi. Dampak jangka panjang hipertensi adalah gagal jantung, stroke dan serangan jantung. Salah satu terapi komplementer pada penderita hipertensi yang dapat menurunkan aktivitas saraf simpatis terhadap jantung. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan merajut terhadap hipertensi pada lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Teratai Palembang. Metode Penelitian : Menggunakan desain Pre Ekspereimental dengan one group pre test-post test design. Tehnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah 12 responden. Hasil : diketahui rata-rata tekanan darah sistol sebelum merajut sebesar 155,00 mmHg dan diastole sebesar 100,00 mmHg, sedangkan rata-rata tekanan darah sistol sesudah merajut 130 mmHg dan diastole sebesar 80,00 mmHg. Standar deviasi systole 9,045 mmHg dan diastole 2,887 mmHg. Hasil: uji statistic menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test didapatkan pvalue = 0,002, berarti ada perbedaan tekanan darah lansia sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan kegiatan merajut. Simpulan : terdapat pengaruh kegiatan merajut terhadap ratarata tekanan darah lansia di Panti sosial tresna Werdha Teratai Palembang. Background: Elderly people tend to experience health problems caused by a decrease in body function due to the aging process. The aging process is a process that results in changes including physical, psychological, social and cultural changes. One of the physical changes with age such as decreased elasticity of the oarta wall and decreased inherent heart rhythm control will cause hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is 26.5%. The longterm effects of hypertension are heart failure, stroke due to rupture of blood vessels in the brain and heart attacks due to coronary artery rupture. One of the complementary therapies in patients with hypertension is to do knitting activities. Knitting is a technique of meditation or relaxation, which can reduce sympathetic nerve activity that can have a positive impact on the heart. Objective: To determine the effect of knitting activities on the blood pressure of elderly with hypertension at Tresna Werdha Teratai Social Institution in Palembang. Methods: Using the Pre-Operational design with one group pre-test-post test design. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling with a total of 12 respondents. Results: the average systolic blood pressure before knitting was 155.00 mmHg and diastole was 100.00 mmHg, while the mean systolic blood pressure after knitting was 130 mmHg and diastole was 80.00 mmHg. Standard deviation of systole is 9,045 mmHg and diastole of 2,887 mmHg. The statistical test results using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test obtained pvalue = 0.002, meaning there is a difference in the blood pressure of the elderly before and after knitting activities. Conclusion: there is an influence of knitting activities on the average blood pressure of the elderly in Palembang's Anti-social Lotus Werdha Lotus.
