Nigerian Dental Journal (Jan 2007)

The use of disinfectants in medical and health related Institutions: An Overview

  • J. O. Taiwo,
  • C. O. Onyeaso,
  • A. O. Okesola

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 1


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The effective use of disinfectants in health institutions constitute a significant factor in the prevention of health care associated infections. In developing countries lack of appropriate physical resources contribute to the inability to apply effective control of these infections. Increasingly, disinfectants are being marketed both in developed and developing countries. Considering the limitations encountered during physical sterilization procedures in Nigeria, it is necessary for health care workers to have an in-depth knowledge of disinfectants. This overview summarizes the type of disinfectants commonly available, their antimicrobial activities, categories, mode of action, and their application in health care institutions.
