Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Apr 1996)
Ortodontik Tedavi Sonrası Elde Edilen Kapanışta Oklüzal Temas Noktalarlnın Komputerize Oklüzal Analiz Teknolojisi İle Değerlendirilmesi
The occlusion reached at the end of orthodontic treatment, should be stable and functional. T-Scan occlusal analyzer is a quantitative analysis, that is used to determine occlusal contacts. This system can be used to identify premature contacts after orthodontic treatment. In this study 4 randomly selected patients recently out of orthodontic appliances, have been evaluated on the T-scan system for oclusal contacts. Our results show that occlusion evaluated sagittally and vertically is not enough for ideal occlusal results, but occlusal con-tacs should be studied as well.