Tyragetia (Dec 2019)

Раннесредневековые костяные рукояти ножей с кольцевыми вырезами, как один из возможных признаков этнической атрибуции тиверцев / Early medieval bone handles of knives with annular notches as one of the possible signs of ethnic attribution of the Tivertsi

  • Vlasenko Ivan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XIII, no. 1
pp. 399 – 406


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The Tale of Bygone Years mentions 13 East Slavic tribes. It was established that these were resilient ethnic groups, and it was possible to define the settlement territory of most of them due to female temporal ornaments. The chronicle tribe of Tivertsi, which lived in the Dniester region, had common Slavic ornaments, so it is identified mostly on territorial, rather than ethnographic grounds. In ten early medieval settlements of the Republic of Moldova, peculiar bone handles of knives with carved annular patterns were found, which G.B. Fedorov considered ethno-determining for Tivertsi. The area of their distribution covers mainly the interfluve of the Dniester and the Răut, where most of the East Slavic sites of the 8th-11th centuries are concentrated. Apparently, this is the territory of the Dniester region, where the Tivertsi lived.
