Análise Social (Jan 2011)
O discurso do Estado salazarista perante o “indesejável” (1933-1939) The Salazarist State rhetoric on the “unwanted” (1933-1939)
Este estudo analisa a reacção do governo português face à presença This study examines the reaction of the Portuguese government, given the presence of foreigners in Portugal, in a context of change in domestic and international policy, between early 1930 and the eve of World War II. Based on an analysis of legislation and internal circulars produced by various state agencies, we examine the evolution of the State’s rhetoric regarding the “other”. Gradually, beginning in 1933, Jews, Russians (associated with the spread of communism), and stateless persons were to be identified as “invaders”, dictating the effectiveness of internal rules restricting the entry into the country.