Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (Oct 2009)
Hegemonik Düzen Tartışmaları ve Eleştirel Görüşler (Debates on Hegemonic Order and Critical Perspectives)
The aim of this article is to inclusively analyze the debates on hegemonic order, also taking into consideration recent critical thoughts in international political economy (IPE). In the first section, the three conceptions of classical IPE, which are liberalism, Marxism and mercantilism, and their notions of hegemony are explained. Gramscians have developed critical views on hegemony, which contradicts to the classical hegemony approach. In the second section, the meaning of hegemony as developed by Antonio Gramsci, which is different than classical conceptions, as well as the conceptual framework developed by his follower Robert W. Cox are explained. Lastly, as the contemporary priorities and challenges of neo-Gramscian perspectives in IPE studies are given, similarities and differences are indicated. As a conclusion, when the notion of hegemonic order in international realm is considered as a relation between social forces-state structures-world order, which is different than traditional approaches, it brings a new aspect to the contemporary discussions on globalization in IPE.