Scientia et Fides (Apr 2017)

Suárez y quienes negaron el intelecto agente en el s. XVI

  • Juan Fernando Sellés Dauder

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 117 – 140


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Suárez and who denied the agent intellect in s. XVIIn this paper three theses on the agent intellect of various Renaissance writers are studied: a) those that deny the real distinction between one and another intellect: Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples, Francisco Suárez, and Gabriel Vázquez. b) those who admitted only a formal distinction: Philip Melanchthon, John Velcurio and Rudolph Goclenius. c) those who accepted only one nominal distinction: Gómez Pereira (the Brocense), John Eck and Augustin Faba.
