IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (Jan 2024)
STCRNet: A Semi-Supervised Network Based on Self-Training and Consistency Regularization for Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Images
Change detection (CD) using deep learning techniques is a prominent topic in the field of remote sensing (RS). However, the existing methods require large amounts of labeled samples for supervised learning, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. To address this challenge, semi-supervised learning methods that utilize a limited number of labeled samples along with a large pool of unlabeled samples have emerged as a compelling solution. We propose a novel semi-supervised CD (SSCD) network that combines self-training and consistency regularization, namely STCRNet. During the self-training phase, STCRNet selects unlabeled samples with reliable pseudolabels based on their prediction stability across different training epochs and the consistency between class activation maps and prediction results within the model. Then, we apply data augmentation to the reliable samples and enforce consistency regularization on the augmented samples using the pseudolabels to enhance the network's robustness. Moreover, feature consistency regularization is applied to the remaining unlabeled samples with image perturbations, thereby broadening the feature space and improving the model's generalization performance. The experimental results on two widely used datasets demonstrate that STCRNet achieves state-of-the-art performance, especially with a significantly small amount (5%–10%) of labeled samples. STCRNet presents a promising solution for SSCD.