In die Skriflig (Aug 2000)
Verandering van die moreel-etiese situasie in Suid-Afrika in die lig van die kenmotief in 2 Petrus 1:3-4
The change in the moral-ethical situation in South Africa, in the light of the motif of knowing in 2 Peter 1:3-4 In this article it is argued that in 2 Peter 1:3-4 a motif of knowing is present as a clearly repeated and meaningful semantic unit. An attempt is made to indicate that a profound knowledge of Jesus Christ was instrumental in giving the apostles accepted religious beliefs. These accepted beliefs enabled the apostles to act in such a manner that their behaviour reflected correct religious beliefs and attitudes. The profound knowledge of Jesus Christ also played an important role in the establishment of a covenantal relationship between God and the first readers of 2 Peter. This knowledge also enabled these readers to withstand the moral corruption in the world. In conclusion the possible significance of the motif of knowing in 2 Peter in changing the present South African moral-ethical situation is highlighted.