Vascular Health and Risk Management (Aug 2022)

Jetstream Atherectomy Followed by Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons versus Balloon Angioplasty Followed by Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons: Twelve-Month Exploratory Results of the Prospective Randomized JET-RANGER Study

  • Shammas NW,
  • Purushottam B,
  • Shammas WJ,
  • Christensen L,
  • Shammas G,
  • Weakley D,
  • Jones-Miller S

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 18
pp. 603 – 615


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Nicolas W Shammas,1 Bhaskar Purushottam,2 W John Shammas,1 Lori Christensen,1 Gail Shammas,1 Desyree Weakley,1 Sue Jones-Miller1 On behalf of the JET-RANGER Investigators1Midwest Cardiovascular Research Foundation, Davenport, IA, USA; 2Regional Health CR, Cardiovascular Medicine, Monument Health, Rapid City, SD, USACorrespondence: Nicolas W Shammas, Research Director, Midwest Cardiovascular Research Foundation, 630 East 4th Street, Suite A, Davenport, IA, USA, Email [email protected]: It is unknown at this time whether Jetstream atherectomy (JET) and paclitaxel-coated balloon (PCB) provides a superior outcome to balloon angioplasty (PTA) followed by PCB in treating femoropopliteal (FP) arterial disease.Methods: The JET-RANGER study was a multicenter (eleven US centers) randomized trial, core lab–adjudicated, designed to demonstrate the superiority of JET + PCB versus PTA + PCB in treating FP arterial disease. The study intended to enroll 255 patients, but was stopped early because of poor enrollment due to COVID-19 and concerns about the association of paclitaxel with mortality. The data are thus considered exploratory. A total of 47 patients (48 lesions) with claudication (80.9%) or rest pain/ulcerations (19.2%) were randomly assigned 2:1 to JET + PCB (n=31) or PTA + PCB (n=16). The In.PACT (Medtronic) and Ranger (Boston Scientific) PCBs were used. Freedom from target-lesion revascularization (TLR) was evaluated at 1 year. Analysis was performed on intention to treat.Results: Mean lesion length was 10.8± 4.3 cm for JET + PCB and 11.2± 7.6 cm for PTA + PCB (P=0.858). There were no other differences in demographic or angiographic variables between the two groups. Procedural success was superior with JET + PCB (87.1%) vs PTA + PCB alone (52.9%; P=0.0147). Overall bailout stenting rate was 17% (0 JET + DCB versus 50% PCB, P< 0.0001). There was no distal embolization requiring treatment. There was no amputation or death in either group. Using KM analysis, the primary end point of freedom from TLR (bailout stent considered a TLR) at 1 year was 100% and 43.8% (P< 0.0001) for JET + PCB versus PTA + PCB, respectively. When bailout stent was not considered a TLR, freedom from TLR was 100% and 93.7%, respectively (P=0.327).Conclusion: A high rate of freedom from TLR was seen in the JET + PCB arm and the PTA + DCB arm at 1-year follow-up, with a significant reduction in bailout stenting following vessel prepping with the Jetstream.Keywords: Jetstream, atherectomy, femoropopliteal, vessel prepping, drug-coated balloons, Ranger, In.PACT, randomized trial, dissections, bailout stenting
