Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Jun 2015)
A Case of Multiple Piloleiomyoma on the Shoulder, which is Mistaken for Keloid
A 30-year-old male presented with multiple tender erythematous nodules, varying in size from 0.5 cm to 2 cm on the right shoulder of the body. He gave a history of pain associated with these lesions, especially on exposure to cold and touch. These lesions showed multi-segmental distribution; each began as a papule, which gradually increased both in size and number to form a nodule. The lesions, which were misdiagnosed as keloids at another hospital, were managed with numerous intralesional steroid injections. This treatment did not improve the symptoms. Based on the history and cutaneous findings during the physical examination, we considered a diagnosis of a benign tumor. Among the lesions, some of the larger ones were completely excised, followed by excision biopsy. We then made a diagnosis of cutaneous leiomyoma, more specifically, piloleiomyoma. The excisional lesions were covered by skin grafts and closed by primary repair.