Saudi Endodontic Journal (Jan 2019)

Triple antibiotic paste versus propolis: A clinical quest for the reliable treatment of periapical lesions in primary molars

  • D V Divya,
  • Madu Ghanashyam Prasad,
  • Ambati Naga Radhakrishna,
  • Rayala Venkata Sandeep,
  • Suravarapu Pavani Reddy,
  • K V. K. Santosh Kumar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 1
pp. 34 – 39


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Background: Teeth with infected root canals, particularly those in which the infection has reached the periradicular tissues, require effective treatment interventions to save the tooth. Lesion sterilization concept (lesion sterilization and tissue repair [LSTR]) was successful in treating periapical polymicrobial infection, but this poses a risk of development of antimicrobial resistance. Aim: The present study evaluated and compared both clinically and radiographically the healing abilities of Propolis liquid (natural therapeutic agent)-mixed Endoflas powder with LSTR (allopathic combination) for the management of periapical lesions in primary molars. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 selected primary molars were randomly divided into two groups of 15 each: Group 1 – Propolis liquid-mixed Endoflas powder and Group 2 – LSTR (3Mix). Follow-up after 3, 6, and 12 months was done to evaluate progress in clinical and radiographic parameters. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. McNemar's test was applied between the time points in each group. Comparison of Group 1 with Group 2 was done using Chi-square test. Results: At the end of 12th-month follow-up, the overall clinical and radiographic success rate for Group 1 was 100%, whereas for Group 2, it was 93% and 60%, respectively. The difference in the radiographic success rate between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: In the present study, Propolis liquid-mixed Endoflas powder combination has shown better results than LSTR. This novel combination of Propolis liquid-mixed Endoflas powder can, therefore, be considered as the material of choice for pulpectomy in deciduous molars with extensive involvement of pulp and periradicular tissues.
