TecnoLógicas (Dec 2010)

Medición de Impedancia Eléctrica en Tejido Biológico – Revisión

  • María E. Moncada,
  • María del P. Saldarriaga,
  • Andrés F. Bravo,
  • Carlos R. Pinedo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 25
pp. 51 – 76


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This paper presents a review of the electrical properties of biological tissues regarding their study, characterization, and measurement techniques. Electrical conductivity (σ) and permittivity (ε) property of tissues, and models developed for their estimation and approximation are mentioned. Measurement elements, advantages and disadvantages of different methods and their applications are presented. Some types of signals used in terms of current and frequency of application are described. Finally, some recommendations to consider for measurements in vivo to reduce errors produced by multiple physiological sources are done. This review permitted to obtain guidelines and conditions for impedance measurement work of femur, which one is doing.
