Language Value (Jan 2019)
‘Does everybody understand?’ Teacher questions across disciplines in English-mediated university lectures: An exploratory study
Author/s Emma Dafouz Milne Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Davinia Sánchez García Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain ABSTRACT This small-scale study attempts to analyse the role of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in three different university lectures across disciplines. Following previous research (Crawford Camiciottoli 2004, Dafouz 2011, Dalton-Puffer 2007), the focus is placed on teacher discourse and, more specifically, teacher questions as fundamental tools that articulate classroom talk and prime strategies that promote interaction and co-construct meanings (Chang 2012, Sánchez García 2010). Our corpus includes four hours of teaching practice from Spanish EMI lessons where participants are non-native speakers of the vehicular language. Preliminary results suggest that questions tend to be greatly exploited discursive features and that confirmation checks and display questions seem to predominate over all other types of questions used in the classroom. Concurrently, the study suggests that there seem to be more commonalities than differences in the use of questions across disciplines. Additionally, it can be stated that lecturers need to be trained to benefit from the resources offered by their own discourse in order to facilitate students' content and language learning.