EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Jan 2010)
Efficient Lookup Table-Based Adaptive Baseband Predistortion Architecture for Memoryless Nonlinearity
Digital predistortion is an effective means to compensate for the nonlinear effects of a memoryless system. In case of a cellular transmitter, a digital baseband predistorter can mitigate the undesirable nonlinear effects along the signal chain, particularly the nonlinear impairments in the radiofrequency (RF) amplifiers. To be practically feasible, the implementation complexity of the predistorter must be minimized so that it becomes a cost-effective solution for the resource-limited wireless handset. This paper proposes optimizations that facilitate the design of a low-cost high-performance adaptive digital baseband predistorter for memoryless systems. A comparative performance analysis of the amplitude and power lookup table (LUT) indexing schemes is presented. An optimized low-complexity amplitude approximation and its hardware synthesis results are also studied. An efficient LUT predistorter training algorithm that combines the fast convergence speed of the normalized least mean squares (NLMSs) with a small hardware footprint is proposed. Results of fixed-point simulations based on the measured nonlinear characteristics of an RF amplifier are presented.