Здоров’я, спорт, реабілітація (Dec 2019)
The effectiveness of the technology of physical therapy of flat feet in young athletes of all ages by means of taekwondo
The purpose of this work was to develop technology for physical therapy of flat feet by means of taekwon-do and to check its effectiveness in students of all ages.Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observations; pedagogical methods; instrumental research methods (photometry methods using the BIG FOOT program, myotonometry and electromyography) methods of mathematical statistics. The survey involved 60 young athletes aged 8, 12 and 14 years with flat feet, who were engaged in the Taekwon-Do Sports Club in Ivano-Frankivsk.Results. After the study was the technology of physical therapy for flat feet in young athletes has been substantiated and developed, which is based on the didactic, general, organizational and methodological foundations of the process of correcting the vaulted apparatus of the foot and studying the state of muscles related to the anterior and posterior myofascial kinematic chains of the lower leg and foot. The technology of physical therapy provides for the use of taekwondo physical exercises, defines the goals, objectives and principles of corrective measures, forms and methods of conducting taekwondo classes, dosing principles and exercise parameters based on the creation of individual plans for young athletes of a particular age group. The developed technology of physical therapy provides for the implementation of appropriate measures at the preparatory, main and final stages.Conclution. Experimental verification of the developed technology of physical therapy for flat feet in young athletes of different ages with using anthropometric, instrumental (photo, myotonometric, electromyographic) research methods proved its e efficiency, which was manifested in improving linear and angular characteristics of the foot, increasing the tone and amplitude-frequency characteristics of muscles, increasing physical qualities and improving methods and techniques of taekwondo.