GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information (Dec 2010)

Virtuelle Lehrbuchsammlung und eBooks on Demand als Facetten der Hybridbibliothek: zwei innovative Services der Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien /Virtual textbook collection and eBooks on Demand as facets of the hybrid library: two innovative services of the university library of the Medical University Vienna

  • Miehl, Marian,
  • Formanek, Daniel,
  • Bauer, Bruno

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 3
p. Doc25


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The university library of the Medical University of Vienna is a hybrid library and offers a huge stock of literature in print and online. Two projects were realised to improve access to this collection. The library built a catalogue for their students, which includes all relevant resources for their courses. In addition to textbooks, print and online, it includes further relevant resources. The catalogue, called Van Swieten Student 2.0, uses a lot of web 2.0 applications. Until now one had to search a card index to find rare books of historical medical interest. That changed because the card index got digitalised and machine readable. So the library could put the card index into a catalogue with web 2.0 applications to make browsing easier. Because of a ground-breaking service, called eBooks on Demand (eod), it is now possible to directly order books which are no longer under copyright out of this catalogue.
