BioMedical Engineering OnLine (Dec 2021)
LRSCnet: Local Reference Semantic Code learning for breast tumor classification in ultrasound images
Abstract Purpose This study proposed a novel Local Reference Semantic Code (LRSC) network for automatic breast ultrasound image classification with few labeled data. Methods In the proposed network, the local structure extractor is firstly developed to learn the local reference which describes common local characteristics of tumors. After that, a two-stage hierarchical encoder is developed to encode the local structures of lesion into the high-level semantic code. Based on the learned semantic code, the self-matching layer is proposed for the final classification. Results In the experiment, the proposed method outperformed traditional classification methods and AUC (Area Under Curve), ACC (Accuracy), Sen (Sensitivity), Spec (Specificity), PPV (Positive Predictive Values), and NPV(Negative Predictive Values) are 0.9540, 0.9776, 0.9629, 0.93, 0.9774 and 0.9090, respectively. In addition, the proposed method also improved matching speed. Conclusions LRSC-network is proposed for breast ultrasound images classification with few labeled data. In the proposed network, a two-stage hierarchical encoder is introduced to learn high-level semantic code. The learned code contains more effective high-level classification information and is simpler, leading to better generalization ability.