Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Dec 2007)
Treatment of Openbite with First Molar Extraction
The treatment of openbite is very controversial. The aim of this case report was to explain the treatment of an 11.5 years old patient's openbite which has only the first molars were in occlusion. In male patients oral examination, 4 mm open bite were determined which extend from the anterior region to the first molars. Patient was 11.5 years old a male and second and the third molars were not erupted. The first molars were filled. SNGoGn measurement was 42°. The filled first molars were decided to be extracted to facilitate the treatment of openbite. After the extraction, dental openbite were spontaneously closed with a reduction 3° of SNGoGn. Patient was monitored with regular intervals until the second molars erupted. Fixed orthodontic therapy was applied to the correction of the patient's dental irregularities. At the end of the treatment favorable occlusion and facial esthetic were achieved.