RECUS (Aug 2019)
Use of papain and bromelain and its effect on the organoleptic and bromatological characteristics of smoked pork chops
The present investigation was carried out in the Laboratories of Agricultural Industries of the Faculty of Zootechnical Sciences, extension Chone, of the Technical University of Manabí, whose objective was to analyze the incidence of the use of papain and bromelain in the organoleptic and bromatological characteristics of smoked pork chops; a completely randomized design was applied at 0,05 confidence level (P≤ 0,05) with a factorial arrangement of 2x2, using 2 different enzymes: papain and bromelain in 2 concentrations: 1,0 and 0,5 g of enzyme per 100 g of pork chop. A sensory analysis with a 5-point hedonic scale was applied to 30 panelists and the results were subjected to statistical analysis using the SAS (Statistical Analysis Software), version 9.1 by means of an ANOVA (Analysis of variance) and a separation of means DUNCAN. It was shown that the best treatment is T1 (1% bromelain in smoked pork chops).