Geodetski Vestnik (Dec 2018)
Land parcel management system in Poland and a case study of EU member states
The LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) supports area-based payment schemes in EU countries under the Common Agricultural Policy and is a useful tool enabling the proper functioning of the structural agriculture support mechanism. This study analyses the agricultural parcel management system in Poland in the context of solutions applied in the EU within the Common Agricultural Policy. The research concerns solutions applied in the field of the LPIS system, arising from European legal and technical specifications, particularly those referring to the adopted type of a reference parcel (agricultural parcel, cadastral parcel, farmers’ block, physical block, topographic block). Based on the data originating from LPIS questionnaire interviews, a study was conducted related to the adopted models of reference parcels in the EU countries and regions, including in Poland in the years 2006–2016. The research sample comprised LPIS systems functioning in the EU in the analytical period. In the paper, it is demonstrated how the implemented models of reference parcels had been changing over time and the most frequent reasons of the changes were indicated. Poland is one of few EU Member States in which the Land and Property Register has been the basis for the LPIS since 2006. The conclusions of the research provide a basis for planning of a change in LPIS in Poland.