Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Dec 2021)

Głusi i tłumacze PJM o tłumaczeniu języka migowego w Polsce kiedyś i dziś

  • Aleksandra Kalata-Zawłocka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 4(54)


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Sign Language Interpreting in the Opinions of Deaf Persons and Polish Sign Language Interpreters The article presents the results of a research conducted among 12 deaf people and 11 Polish sign language interpreters, aimed at depicting the state-of-the-art situation of sign language interpreting in Poland while it simultaneously reflects upon the past as well. The interviewees reported on the changes in this area over the last twenty-five years. According to them, situation in Poland has improved significantly with regard to language, interpreting as such, legal-administrative and social issues. Still, in many respects sign language interpreting needs further improvement in order to attain full accessibility for deaf persons as well as full professionalisation for sign language interpreters.
