Journal of English Teaching and Linguistics (Dec 2022)
Use of Flow Chart on Students’ Writing at the Grade 10 of SMAS WITAMA Pekanbaru
The students at grade 10 of SMAS Witama Nasional Plus Pekanbaru had some problems in writing. Based on my observation they were hard to share and develop their ideas in writing. I tried to prove the problem by using Flow chart in teaching writing descriptive text. The purpose of this research is to identify whether the students who received in class instruction of flow chart method of writing had different skill in writing descriptive text than students who did not receive instruction of the method at the. This research was Quasi Experimental research. The population of this research was the grade 10 of SMAS Witama Nasional Plus Pekanbaru The numbers of population was 180 students and the sample of this research was 54 students; Experimental class was 10 IPA 1consisting 28 students, and Control class was 10 IPS 1consisting 26 students. After conducting this research by using Flow chart, the result of this research is the post-test score of experimental class was getting higher than pre-test score. It can be seen from the average post-test score of experimental class was 68.21, that improved from pre-test score 52.78. The average post-test on control class was 56.76 was lower than Experimental class. As the conclusion, there was different ability the students who received in class instruction of flow chart in writing descriptive text than students who did not receive instruction of flow chart.