теорія та практика дизайну (Sep 2017)
Peculiarities of using media fronts for concert-hall design
The article analyzes the features of using media facades in the design of concert halls. The types of media facades, their advantages and disadvantages, the use of media facades in the modern architecture of public buildings are considered. The resulted theoretical and methodical bases of architectural designing of entertainment constructions in a combination to the newest media technologies. The prospects of observing the principles of aesthetic integrity and harmonization in the architecture and design of the media environment of the concert hall are proved. The media component of the architecture of the spectacular object makes it possible to form a composition that is not inherent in traditional architecture, but is inherent in cinematography, namely, the script and the plot. The features of combining architecture and visual information tools in a single media and architectural entertainment complex are considered. The advantages of using the synthesis of architectural and artistic means and media technologies, such as means of visual communication, media objects, media facades are proved.