中西医结合护理 (Jan 2023)
The organization and management of prehospital rescue after earthquake in the Nursing Department of a county hospital under the COVID-19 pandemic (新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下县级医院护理部在“9. 16”泸县地震灾害院前救援中的组织管理)
Earthquake is a sudden accident or a natural calamity that causes great damage, and organization and management are key issues in prehospital rescue after earthquake. This paper reviewed the prehospital rescue organization after earthquake in a county hospital under the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the prevention and control of COVID-19, the hospital managers had launched the emergency rescue plans which included rescue team formation, overall arrangement, division of medical human resource, medical resource allocation and information management, in order to ensure the fast and efficient rescue and improve the rescue quality. (地震灾害具有突发性, 院前救援工作中的组织管理至关重要。县级三级综合医院护理部应快速反应, 启动应急救援预案, 在保证新型冠状病毒疫情防控措施落实的前提下, 通过组建队伍、按需布局、合理分工、资源调配和信息管理等部署, 保证救援护理工作高效有序开展, 提高救援质量。)