Ciencia y Cuidado (May 2021)

Necesidades de cuidado y diagnósticos de enfermería en gestantes con depresión: estudio descriptivo

  • Johanna Londoño-Restrepo,
  • Matilde Ligia Álvarez-Gómez,
  • Yolanda Restrepo-Suarez,
  • Daniela Mira-Restrepo,
  • Laura Daniela Londoño-Galviz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2
pp. 33 – 42


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Objective: Describe the needs and nursing diagnosis of expectant mothers with depression. Materials and method: Descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study. The convenience non-probabilistic sampling was made with 55 expectant mothers, hospitalized between Janu-ary 2013 and December 2018. The information was collected through the application of two questionnaires: the first was built considering the objectives and the operationalization of the variables related to the demographic, obstetrics, and psychiatric information; the second one with the care needs, taken from the M. Gordon’s assessment guideline and symptomatology rom DSM-5. Absolute and relative frequencies were extracted from the qualitative variables, median and IQR for age. Results: The most frequent nursing diagnoses were the following: deterioration of mood regulation 67.3%; suicide risk 56.4%; hopelessness 52.7%; acute pain 50.9%; insomnia 50.9%. The most frequent care needs were: mood swings 67.3%; suicidal behavior 56.4%; negative perspective of one-self and the future 52.7%; pain 50.9%. Conclu-sions: According to alteration patterns, care needs and the diagnoses, the mental component was the most affected health component for these women; it was found that the patients have a high tendency of drug consumption, unwillingness to take the psychiatric treatment and more attitudes related to: suicidal behavior, hopelessness, a negative perspective of the fu-ture, and pain, showing that depression is highly present in expectant mothers
