EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (Jan 2024)
Overview of the TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo code, version 12
In this paper we present an overview of the recent advances of the general-purpose Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4®, developed at CEA. The features described in this work, which refer to the current version 12 of the code, encompass applications to radiation shielding (variance-reduction methods: Consistent Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling, Adaptive Multilevel Splitting, and Weight Windows), material activation calculations (Rigorous Two-Step Scheme), reactor physics (fission matrix, kinetics parameters, critical parameter search, kinetics with delayed neutron precursors), criticality-safety (perturbation and sensitivity methods: Standard and Generalized Perturbation Theory) and nuclear instrumentation (fission models, improvements in the electromagnetic shower models, and coupling with the code Geant4).