Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift (May 2013)
Mystik i Norden
Christian mysticism is commonly understood as a spirituality that stresses the presence of Christ within the be liever and the experience thereof. In areas where the Reformation gained influence, mystical spirituality was for warded by Martin Luther and later by such preachers as Johan Arndt (1555-1621), the father of Pietism. Thomas à Kempis Imitation of Christ was one of his sources. The present essay seeks an understanding of how mystica' tradition was expressed by Thomas à Kempis, was transformed in the encounter of the Reformation by John Arndt, and later given a new form by Anders Nohrborg (1725-1767). They all express the presence of Christ within the Christian, they all testify to mystical experience, partly in the words of the Song of Songs. Augustinian though: has influenced them all.