Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie (Dec 2021)
Du Sig au Système D : collecter la donnée archéologique en milieu urbain ou l’archéologie en eaux troubles, l’exemple du département de l’Eure
If urban centers, whatever their size, form important archaeological issues, how can today’s archaeology contribute to study such objects? Through examples from the Eure department (27, France), we propose to give some feedback on concrete cases, such as sensitive administrative arrangements, intricate situations or difficult collaborations. These examples might concern the main city of Evreux as well as more modest towns (Brionne, Pîtres, etc.), all having in common complex stratigraphies.We will examine several scenarios from the point of view of the field archaeologist and try to bring out either the negative and the positive aspects of each of the situations encountered. For this, we will give some details about the nature of the prescriptions and the resulting intervention conditions. This will allow us to examine and question our current practices in the field of urban archaeology.