Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Акмеология образования: Психология развития (Mar 2024)

Methodological approaches to the study of the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren in the 20th century

  • Finogeeva, Tatyana E.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1
pp. 4 – 15


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The relevance of the research of methodological approaches to the study of the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren in the twentieth century is due to the need to improve the scientifi c apparatus of historical and pedagogical research, the complexity of which lies in its dualism (a combination of elements of scientifi c research in the fi elds of pedagogy and history). Currently, one of the most popular areas of education is technology education. Its meaning has been updated in the light of the new requirements set for high school graduates, who must have not only the ability to transform materials (information), but be ready for sustainable self-development under the conditions of the changing technogenic environment. In this regard, the study of technology / labor training of schoolchildren in the twentieth century is of particular importance, and especially in the period of the USSR (as it was a state in which the person of labor was the meaning-forming factor of the state system). However, this study should be based on a reasonable selection of methodological approaches that will contribute to not only a comprehensive study but valid conclusions. The objective of the study is to identify and give theoretical ground for the set of methodological approaches that contribute to a comprehensive study of the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren in the twentieth century. Hypothetically, the identifi ed methodological foundations enable to conduct a multi-vector study of the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren in the twentieth century; it is possible to improve the process of technology education of schoolchildren at the present stage using this scientifi c basis. Methods (tools): theoretical analysis of historical and pedagogical studies and normative legal acts, analysis of the results of the study of the selected historical period. Main results: the study has expanded the scientifi c ideas about the epistemological possibilities of culturological, axiological, systemic, historical approaches to the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren. The author presents her vision on the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren as a pedagogical phenomenon. Conclusions: the set of methodological approaches that was identifi ed and theoretically justifi ed in this research enables to conduct a comprehensive study of the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren in the twentieth century. Practical significance. The research results can be useful in developing a modern concept of the system of technology education, as well as in updating the content of technology education
