Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences (Jan 2017)
Assorted archetypal tissue analysis: A breakthrough in oncopathology
Assorted Archetypal Tissue Analysis, commonly known as Tissue Microarray (TMA) technology is a highly throughput research tool that has greatly facilitated and accelerated tissue analysis by in-situ technologies. It involves core needle biopsies of multiple tissues constructed in the same block and is an innovative method where dozens of biomarkers can be applied to hundreds of samples simultaneously sparing costs, resources, and tissues.TMA provides a judicious use of precious tissue and gives experimental uniformity. Analyzing a large number of samples improves statistical precision in addition to enhanced speed and quality of analysis making it extremely useful in pathology research and practice. This article reviews the sequential development, modification. and applications of TMA and also comments on how TMA facilitates translation research at different levels.