Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes (Jan 2020)
Evaluación e intervención en TDAH y TND: Un caso abordado en el contexto escolar
Assessment and intervention in ADHD and ODD in the school context. In the present work the process performed in response to the needs found in a 6-year-old child, who presents attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with a comorbid oppositional defiant disorder is gathered. The process of evaluation and the diagnosis of the child as well as the advice in the participation to both, the teaching staff and the family has been developed from the school psychopedagogical department. All this has been implemented in a multidimensional and multicontextual way, that is, offering an active role in the whole process from both parts, the teachers of the centre and of the child’s family. We have implemented cognitive-behavioural techniques such as praise, the principle of Premack and token economy to modify inadequate behaviours of the child, meanwhile an emotional training program has been carried out to favour an adequate socio-emotional adjustment. The results suggest that the involvement of the different contexts makes the intervention be better adjusted to the needs of the child. The techniques employed showed to be efficient for the treatment of ADHD and ODD. The intervention has been adequate for the child, however more time in the implementation would be necessary in order to obtain more accurate results.