Journal of Materials Research and Technology (Jul 2024)
Toward submicron inkjet-printed ZnO microdots with suppressed coffee-ring effect via controlled drying conditions for potential solar cell applications
The high-resolution, inkjet-printed zinc oxide (ZnO) microdot arrays with suppressed coffee-ring effect was demonstrated by investigating the correlation between drying and solidification processes. The internal microfluidic behavior of an ejected droplet and the associated drying process is geometry-dependent, which can be controlled by the temperature and surface energy of the substrate. During evaporation, droplets in contact with a wettable surface exhibit a dominant outward convective flow, resulting in a pronounced coffee-ring effect. In contrast, for droplets with minimal contact area on a substrate with low surface energy, the surface energy gradient along the relatively long thermal conducting path length reinforces the Marangoni flow, which retards the pinning of the contact line, resulting in tiny microdots with suppressed coffee-ring effect. The controlled ZnO microdots exhibit a diameter of approximately 3 μm with a thickness of 50 nm, which is one of the smallest microstructures produced by the inkjet printing method. Additionally, the integration of the ZnO microdot arrays into organic solar cells aimed to alter the light path length, leading to enhanced internal absorption. The P3HT:PCBM, PTB7-Th:PCBM, and PM6:Y6 devices with ZnO microdot arrays exhibit higher power conversion efficiencies of 3.54%, 9.04%, and 15.61% compared to reference devices of 3.38%, 8.85%, and 15.25% respectively.