پژوهش در دین و سلامت (Dec 2016)

Study the relationship between religious attitudes, self-control and spiritual health between Basij sisters, in the city of Shoush

  • Seyyed Rahmatollah Mousavi Moghadam,
  • Mehri Esmaeil Chegeni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 40 – 47


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For downloading the full-text of this article please click here. Background& Objective: Religion is one of the most fundamental and important institutions that human society has ever known, and concepts such asself-control, spiritualhealth, and religious attitudes are the most important religious components; which play an important role in religious, social, and personality education/training in the society. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between the three components of religious attitudes, self- control and spiritual health among the Basij Sisters of Shoush city. Material & Methods: The sample used in this study consisted of 50 participants, who were selected by simple random sampling among the Basij Sisters. The instruments used for data collection consist of Religious Attitude Scale (Baraheni), Continence Questionnaire (self-made), and Palutzian and Ellison Spiritual health Questionnaire. In fact, this descriptive study is a correlation study which examine the relationship between (religious attitudes and self-control), (religious attitudes and spiritual health), and (self-control and spiritual health) among the Basij Sisters.All data were analyzed using statistical software (spss version 21), and Pearson correlation coefficient method and multivariate regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between the variables. Results: The results showed that, there are asignificant positive relationship between religious attitude and continence. (P< 0/02). It was also noted that, there is asignificant positive relationship between religious attitude and spiritual health (p< 0.000) and between self-control and spiritual health (p<0/02)and regression analysis showed self-control is a good predictor for spiritual health. Conclusion: With attentionto these results, research hypothesizesBased on the existence of the significance relation among (Religious attitude, self-control and spiritual health)are approved and according to the role of religion and Religious components in theMental health people andIslamic society,emphasize them in the field of training can lot of help to Improve the mental health and Spiritual community. Keywords: religion, self-discipline, spiritual health For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.