FIGEMPA (Jan 2024)
Características estructurales del mangle rojo (Rhizophora mangle) en el manglar de Puerto Pizarro (Tumbes, Perú)
The Puerto Pizarro mangrove is part of the Tumbes mangrove, the largest in Peru; it is also the mangrove with the greatest anthropic impact in the region; in this area, no studies have been carried out on the status of its population of Rhizophora mangle, the most important mangrove species in the Peruvian mangroves. The objective of this research was to establish the structural characteristics of R. mangle in the Puerto Pizarro mangrove. The study was carried out by subdividing the research area into three zones (A, B and C), in which 41 plots of 1 ha each were selected, in each plot a sub-area of 0.25 ha (50 m x 50 m) was taken). In these sub-areas, mangrove trees of the species Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa and Avicennia germinans were evaluated regarding their structural characteristics: diameter at breast height (DBH), height, basal area, density, frequency, dominance and index value of ecological importance (IVI). It was found that R. mangle had a greater DAP, height and basal area than the other species; also, higher density, frequency, dominance and relative IVI (adjusted to 100%) than the other species with values of 51.5%, 100%, 82.6% and 53.3%, respectively. The research findings allow us to conclude that the population of R. mangle in the Puerto Pizarro mangrove is a mature population, with a predominance of stems and latizales. However, its structural characteristics are not homogeneous throughout the Puerto Pizarro area, since zone A, with less anthropic impact and lower salinity, has R. mangle trees with better structural characteristics than those in zones B and C in which there is greater anthropic activity and greater salinity.